life after rihousing

Life after the $17,500 down payment assistance program.

On January 26th 2023, RI realtors Published this article and introduced the realtor world to Rhode Island’s down payment assistance program that would create a whole new wave of home buyers.. It couldn’t get any...

3 Ways To Get Your Home Ready For The Holidays

3 Ways To Get Your Home Ready For The Holidays

1. Out With The Old And In With The New! Decluttering will help you focus your cleaning and organizing more effectively. It also allows space for new items that you may acquire during the holiday...

What to look for in your next home

It is important to take the time to find what specific property meets your wants and needs. The main key points to look for are the location/neighborhood, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, floor plan, lighting,...

Benefits of an open floor plan

Benefits of an open floor plan Each home has its unique path, which many refer to as its floor plan. The concept of an open floor plan has been more common among buyers in the...

Market update – April 8th

Market update – April 8th Many home buyers are feeling overwhelmed with the uncertainty of the current housing market. Experts are predicting a steady increase in rates over the next few months. With the increased...

Market Update 03/01/2022

With the already unstable market, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has made many skeptical of the effects it will have on home loans. The conflict among other things is showing a subtle change in...

Halo loan program – Semper Home Loans

Semper HALO Down Payment Assistance

We are very excited to announce our new HALO program! Now, we’re not calling ourselves home loan guardian angels, but we certainly wouldn’t stop any of our customers from saying so. For the past few...